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Thanks to #5G, we’ve left lag behind and embraced lightning-fast downloads, jumping from 119th to 47th rank in mobile download speeds globally in just a year.
#InternetSpeed #DigitalIndia
Are you a Next Gen leader! Participate in the AI Gamechangers Award on #MyGov and stand a chance to be recognized for your impactful AI solutions. Let’s shape responsible AI innovation together.
#AIAward #Innovation
An initiative for you to disseminate and engage with #MyGovActivities and #MyGovIndia #InternetSpeed #DigitalIndia #AIAward #Innovation . By using these hashtags, you can connect and showcase ongoing initiatives, creating greater visibility and participation.
Timeline: [ 7 Days]
We appreciate your dedication to spreading awareness and engaging a wider audience. The reward will be added as per Given Criteria.
Together, let’s disseminate #MyGovActivities far and wide!
The Last date of submission is 11th Oct, 2023